I believe that software can help solve the challenging problems of our time, so I became a programmer to help drive the efforts to build a better future for everyone. With a strong foundation in computer science and human-computer interaction, I am a Software Engineer dedicated to solving real-life problems with technology. Over the past two years, I have been working on improving how people can prove their identity over the internet by building software powered by modern web technologies.

I do my best work bridging the gap between humans and machines by building great user experiences that solve the real problems of real people. I am experienced with Full Stack Development working primarily with TypeScript, React, and ASP.NET. I have a knack for learning new tools and technologies quickly.

In my current position, I've played a key role as a founding engineer developing and launching 3+ new products over one year. I also improved the performance of a web application, reducing its bundle size by 20% through code refactoring and dependency management.

I actively participate in the developer community, regularly attending meetups and conferences to expand my skill set and help other engineers. My mission is to build software that improves the quality of life of real people.